On location

Painting in Ye Olde Carlton Arms Hotel, NYC 2012

Working on location can create possibilities that are impossible to realise in the restricted area of the studio. Intimacy and monumentality go hand in hand. The space-filling works such as the ‘Tuinkamer’ in the Zeeuws Archief and the Ye Olde Carlton Arms Hotel in NYC and the hefty wall painting on Curacao, commissioned by the Curaçao Ministry of Justice, illustrate this.

Commissioned photography

The photographic portraits made together with Rienus Gündel Franciscus prove very suitable to be commissioned.The duo has immortalised many individuals and/or their loved ones in this technique.

Commissioned paintings

Ik hou van jou, 18 x 24cm, oil on linnen, 2014

Painterly assignments are often portraits. However, on request Franciscus makes works that are inspired by his existing works with adaptations requested by the client.